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Faith Fa

A complete list of my works on Wattpad!


Critically Acclaimed

The Cantonesia Caper (2023)

Amelia Yeung, mafia heiress to the Bauhinias, embarks on an elusive mission that involves the Governor of Cantonesia and his family. Forming an alliance with two formidable forces, Amelia has to evade the law but help it at the same time. Will Amelia be able to solve her Cantonesia caper? Or will the government get to her first?

Click here to read on Wattpad!

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From just the opening line, I knew this story would be exciting...I was hooked by the start of the first chapter and continued to be invested for each chapter that I read.

Praise & Reviews for The Cantonesia Caper

I love the concept of the dark side of the city, and the unique predicament Amelia has found herself a great twist.

M. M. Jayoh


The characters had me chuckling a lot of times. I liked that they fought with each other instead of being big and tough all the time--it was realistic.

Most Popular

We are the LOST GIRLS (2022)

Follow the Lost Girls' journey of innocence, magic, and nostalgia in a fun 'Peter Pan' fanfiction spin-off! Six intrepid girls travel to a magical island situated past the Second Star to the Right: Neverland. Adventures ensue, quite obviously.

Click here to read on Wattpad!

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This story is very cute, with adorable personalities for all of the Lost Girls. It's hard to not like them.

Praise & Reviews for We are the LOST GIRLS

Immediately, I was drawn into the story and engaged, excited about reading...The idea of this novel alone is unique, and the author incorporates lovely worldbuilding throughout.



I love how the first sentence is legit 'frying pan'

...but it's so GOOD




I’m a teen writer from a small city that seems insanely enormous. I adore the concept of weaving your own story to entertain others, and I love finding out more about myself through reading and writing. Being a writer is one of the things that’s shaped me to become who I am today!

About Faith Fa

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